Today I celebrate my 7th birthday – I live because my mother knows Animal Reiki
Today is my 7th birthday and a year ago they told me I wouldn't survive another 3 months.
I remember perfectly well when my mother said out of the blue a year ago in January:
"Rufus turns 6 this year - we should give him comprehensive tests"
A few days later, they made an appointment for me at a friendly vet. A few days later, they made an appointment for me at a friendly vet. No one likes going to the doctor, but what happened to me cries to heaven for vengeance... During the ultrasound examination, I feel Vet pressing harder on my side, driving this stick for a long time... I look at my mother, and she already has tears in my eyes, I look nervously at my dad, even I'm starting to get more stressed.
They call for another veto, confer and we hear the text:
"Nothing for sure, but Rufus has tumors around his spleen - come back in two weeks for another examination."
Who of you knows what the hell the spleen is? My mother, sobbing in the car on the way back home, tells my father that it's very bad because the "spleen" filters the blood, and if something is wrong, I have cancer everywhere!!! Damn, nothing happened to me an hour ago...
"The vet says the lumps are still visible and there are even more of them."
We return to Veta after two weeks, my parents swear by reality, they were definitely just hematomas after playing with Lucy and Casey (my sisters). All three of us - me, mom and dad, hold our breath... the vet is nervous and says that the tumors are still visible and there are even more of them...
At this moment, our entire life is turned upside down, from a joyful, loving family comes family drama, pain and crying. Dad doesn't want to believe it, so we're making appointments for more tests at other clinics.
State-of-the-art equipment, the latest cameras, the most outstanding specialists, we hear only one thing every time:
"There are tumors on his spleen, we need to operate quickly and collect material for further tests."
Prognosis for continued survival without surgery up to 3 months at most, after surgery it is difficult to say - maybe a few months longer, a year, depends on how he responds to chemotherapy. My parents don't have human children, but they have us: me, Lucy and Casey, and since they are ambitious millenials our dog's life has always been fabulous. Toys, snot, sleeping under the covers, the best food, supplements, a house with a big garden in the woods - and suddenly nothing matters anymore. Mom experienced the worst, she cried all the time, woke up crying in the night, then lay down on the kitchen floor - so as not to wake any of us and cry... I was also very scared, the girls had no idea what was going on, but no one was in the mood to play.
What if we were to push conventional medicine away and look for other solutions.
I've been scheduled for excision surgery, the date is in a week... Just what will this surgery do, it won't guarantee that everything will return to normal, and yet live without a spleen.
Veto text:
"It's an adult dog, it doesn't need a spleen."
So why does the spleen not disappear physiologically in adult dogs, humans and horses - because maybe they need it for something. My mother was finishing her medical studies, she also thought that without her spleen she was a bit weak... It was the beginning of February, in the evening I was sitting with my mother by the fireplace, where my father's running clothes were drying. I won't forget this moment, but my dog intuition told me, take that stinking blue T-shirt. What do I have to lose, life without a spleen, drugs for the rest of my life, chemotherapy, going to the vet regularly... this life sucks, but I can't leave my parents and girlfriends, not yet, I love them too much and they love me too much. I look at my mother, at my mother and the T-shirt, at the T-shirt at my mother... only after a while did she understand:
"What do you want, Rufus, put on that sweaty blue T-shirt?"
She is my beloved, my mother, so she went and took a clean blue T-shirt from the closet. Why blue? And just at this moment, the entire layout of the universe is changing. What if we were to push conventional medicine away and look for other solutions. The day before the surgery was scheduled, my parents and I went for a walk in my beloved forest in Beldow - where we jointly decided that we were putting my life and my spleen in my mother's hands. We are giving up on surgery, medications - mom is to look for other solutions. The next few weeks are a veritable magic. My mother read more books and courses. In our house, the colors of the lights changed, my shirts changed, the music changed - ba I even attended private Tibetan bowl concerts at my mother's friend Pawel Klonowski's house.